Organize a Science Research Conference
What Is a Science Research Conference?
Science Research Conferences (SRCs) are four- to five-day, in-person conferences focused on established research topics and are led by recognized researchers in the life sciences. Featuring a mix of scientific lectures and poster sessions, SRCs provide a unique opportunity for early-career researchers to get one-on-one interaction with established scientists in formal as well as informal settings. SRCs take place throughout the year, with attendance ranging from 100 to 200 researchers. Check out the SRC Quick Start Guide for Organizers, Be a FASEB SRC Organizer flyer, and Organizer Expectations document for additional information on the basics of organizing an SRC.
Why You Should Organize an SRC
Organizing an SRC allows you to:
- Be an integral part in advancing research in your field
- Provide an important channel for exchange of information with researchers in your field
- Empower early-career investigators in your field with invaluable opportunities for career development, networking, and mentoring
- Leverage FASEB's experienced meeting planning, marketing, and grants management staff to help you plan, promote, generate support for, and manage your conference
How to Submit an Application
There are two application deadlines for 2026 conference proposals. The first deadline is September 25, 2025, and the second is February 6, 2026. The application form can be found here.
Review and Decision
Applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the FASEB SRC Advisory Committee. A few weeks following the official peer-review of your proposal, you will receive a letter with the committee’s decision and comments (if applicable). Once approved, you will work with FASEB to select a location. Then, FASEB's Grants and Sponsorship Manager will reach out to you to begin your fundraising efforts, and a FASEB Conference Lead will work closely with you on all planning and logistics thereafter.
Want to learn more? Contact us about organizing a Science Research Conference.