Partnerships and Outreach
Network. Engage. Impact.
FASEB tells the story of America’s working scientists. The Federation is dedicated to advancing public awareness of biological and biomedical research and the key role every participant plays in our nation’s health and welfare.

We are stronger together. We work to make crucial connections between FASEB, our member societies, and stakeholders in these organizations:
Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research
Supports increased funding for federal investment in biomedical, behavioral, and population-based research conducted and supported by the National Institutes of Health
Americans for Medical Progress
Works to protect society’s investment in research by nurturing public understanding of and support for the humane, necessary, and valuable use of animals in medicine
Coalition for National Science Funding
Supports increasing public investment in the National Science Foundation's research and education programs
Energy Sciences
Provides the high-bandwidth, reliable connections that link scientists at national laboratories, universities, and other research institutions, enabling them to collaborate on some of the world's most important scientific challenges
Friends of VA Medical Care and Health Research
Makes annual funding recommendations for VA medical care, medical and prosthetics research programs, and research facilities
National Association for Biomedical Research
Advocates for sound public policy for ethical and essential animal research
National Postdoctoral Association
Fosters a culture of enhanced professional growth for postdocs
Works to increase public and policymaker awareness of the health and economic benefits of medical research and builds a strong base of citizen support for more research and innovation
Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM
Sets standards of excellence in STEMM fields, which require high-quality research, teaching, and practice, and the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct
Supporters of Agricultural Research
Works to increase support for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's research program
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Interested in partnering with FASEB?
Our outreach activities provide working scientists opportunities to share their passion for biological and biomedical research.