One Health: Animal, Human, Ecological, and Earth Systems
One World, One Health
FASEB’s One Health initiative is a collaborative and transdisciplinary approach to studying the intersections of and impacts on the health of human, animal, ecological, and earth systems.
To support the advancement of transdisciplinary research, we are partnering with researchers and other organizations to promote health and well-being systemically. We feature here two of our latest ventures with scientists from the American Geophysical Union and FASEB member societies.

OneHealth Interactions Across the Life Cycle
Hear from experts at “OneHealth Interactions Across the Life Cycle: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Ecosystem Monitoring, Health, Conservation, Remediation, and Resilience,” a session which took place at the 2022 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (view agenda). Convened by Patricia L. Morris, a former FASEB president, these experts examine how endocrine disrupting chemicals are accumulating in the planet’s soil and water systems and their impacts due to environmental contamination from manufacturing and pharmaceutical sources.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Environmental Science, and Health
Presented by Jerry Heindel, HEEDS
Environmental Endocrine Disruption of
Brain and Behavior
Presented by Andrea Gore, University of Texas, Austin
The Nexus of Soil and Water Quality
What would our world be like without adequate soil and water? Hear from a panel of experts who presented at “The Nexus of Soil and Water Quality: Impacts on the Health of Humans, Animals, and Ecosystems,” a FASEB Catalyst Conference. Organized by Patricia L. Morris and Hannah V. Carey, former FASEB presidents, this conference explored current geoscience, biological, and biomedical research in soil and water quality and influences on the health of humans, animals, ecosystems, and the environment. View program
New Approaches to an Old Problem
Presented by Gabriel Filippelli, Indiana University-Purdue University
Poor Water Quality and Its Impacts on Pregnant Women and Children
Presented by Rebecca Fry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Environmental Determinants of Enteric Infectious Disease
Presented by Ben Zaitchik, Johns Hopkins University