DataWorks! Prize

About DataWorks! Prize

FASEB and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are championing a bold vision of data sharing and reuse. DataWorks! Prize fuels this vision with an annual challenge that showcases the benefits of research data management while recognizing and rewarding teams whose research demonstrates the power of data sharing or reuse practices to advance scientific discovery and human health. The program seeks new and innovative approaches to data sharing and reuse in biological and biomedical research. 


The prize was open to anyone aged 18 or older that is an U.S. citizens or permanent resident. International researchers were able to participate on a team with a U.S. team lead.

Winning Teams

Winners will share their stories in a DataWorks! Prize symposium.

Submissions Deadline

Submissions are closed for the 2023 DataWorks! Prize and will re-open for 2024 in the fall.

2023 DataWorks! Prize Winners

Grand Prize $100,000

Distinguished Achievement Award $50,000

Exemplary Achievement Award $25,000

  • Team: ASAP Discovery Consortium
    Project: An Open Pipeline for Antiviral Drug Discovery
    Description: To nucleate a global antiviral pipeline to prevent future pandemics, we created a new model for open science accelerated drug discovery.
  • Team: Karen Yook’s Team
    Project: Making Data Useable While Publishing
    Description: microPublication Biology re-architects the publishing workflow by including curators to alleviate numerous obstacles in data reusability.
  • Team: StrokeFAIR
    Project: StrokeFAIR: A Public Dataset and Analytical Tools
    Description: StrokeFAIR shares FAIR images, metadata, and analytical tools for acute brain stroke, democratizing avenues to perform reproducible reliable research.

Significant Achievement Award $12,500

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