Washington Update
Register for Upcoming DataWorks! Salons
By: Yvette SegerThursday, July 28, 2022
To help researchers prepare for implementing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Data Management and Sharing Policy in January 2023, upcoming DataWorks! Salons will highlight tools, resources, and best practices to facilitate data management, sharing, and reuse. These salons are intended to complement the two-part webinar series NIH is hosting on the specifics of the forthcoming policy.
Upcoming DataWorks! Salons will discuss strategies for digitizing research teams with electronic lab notebooks and other digital tools (September 8); best practices for selecting a data repository (October 6); opportunities to prepare your team for the implementation of the NIH policy (November 10); and budgeting for data management (December 15). All salons will be held 2–3 pm EST. Highlights from each salon will be posted on the FASEB DataWorks! website.