Washington Update
Final Call for DataWorks! Prize Submissions
By: Emily RuffWednesday, August 9, 2023
Researchers are encouraged to submit their data sharing or reuse projects to the DataWorks! Prize before the submission deadline of August 15. Research teams could win one of 16 cash awards from the $500,000 prize purse for their exemplary research project.
DataWorks! Prize is a joint initiative of FASEB and NIH Office of Data Science Strategy to support data sharing and reuse in the biological and biomedical community. In its second year, DataWorks! Prize will recognize and reward exceptional data practices in biological and biomedical research labs and create a library of best practice methods that can be used by the broader research community.
DataWorks! Prize is a team-based challenge open to anyone aged 18 or older. Individual participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. International researchers can participate on a team with a U.S. team lead.
To learn more about the prize and submit an entry, visit www.herox.com/dataworks.