Washington Update
FASEB Seeks Nominations for Excellence in Science Award
By: Yvette SegerThursday, January 11, 2018
The nominating process for FASEB’s 2019 Excellence in Science Award is now open. The award recognizes outstanding achievement by women in biological science. In addition to receiving a $10,000 unrestricted research grant, awardees present a special Excellence in Science Award Lecture at a FASEB member society annual meeting.
FASEB encourages nominations of women whose career achievements include excellence in research, leadership, and mentorship. Nominees must be current members of at least one of FASEB’s member societies to be eligible.
Nomination criteria and submission instructions are now available on the FASEB website. FASEB’s Office of Public Affairs will also be hosting an informational webinar on the award on Thursday, February 8. Nomination forms must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on March 1, 2018.