Washington Update

FASEB Seeks Early-Career Scientists to Serve on Board and Policy Committee

By: Jennifer Zeitzer
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Early-career scientists make up a significant portion of the biological and biomedical sciences community. To better represent the unique insights and views of this critical group at the highest levels of Federation leadership and to foster meaningful dialogue between current and future generations of biological and biomedical researchers, three voting positions on FASEB's Board of Directors and Science Policy Committee (SPC) are reserved for early-career scientists. One Board and one SPC early-career representative will be selected to serve a two-year term, beginning July 1, 2025. Applications are due by March 24. Successful applicants will be notified in early June. 

Early-career scientists (those within seven years of their first independent faculty scientist position) who are members of a participating FASEB society are eligible to apply for the Board position. Graduate students and postdocs are eligible for the SPC position and are encouraged to submit an application. International applicants are also welcome. Service on the Board and SPC allows early-career researchers to help shape the development of FASEB policy statements, establish FASEB priorities, and understand critical elements of non-profit governance while also building their scientific network. Additional details about the responsibilities and time commitment for the FASEB Board and SPC position are available on the application site.

To apply, early-career researchers should complete the online application, which includes providing an ORCID ID, uploading a resume or curriculum vitae, and answering two questions. FASEB is dedicated to increasing diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity within the life sciences. As part of this effort, individuals from historically underrepresented groups within the life sciences community are highly encouraged to apply. Questions about this opportunity can be directed to membersupport@faseb.org.