Washington Update
FASEB’s Catalyst Conferences Highlight New Topics
By: Jennifer ZeitzerWednesday, October 11, 2023
FASEB will kick off the 2023 Catalyst Conferences series with three exciting virtual events focused on emerging areas in biology. There is no registration fee to participate in these meetings.
On October 18 from 10 am–2 pm ET, join FASEB for “DNA Damage and Repair in the Brain,” which will bring together experts to discuss recent discoveries in DNA damage and repair for neurodegenerative diseases. This conference is organized by Aris Polyzos, PhD, from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Laurie Sanders, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine. Registration information and the conference agenda are available online.
“Cannabis Mechanisms in Experimental Medicine” will take place on October 26 from 10 am–2 pm ET Organized by Rana Zeine MD, PhD, MBA, of Kean University, the conference will cover advances in the field of medical cannabis. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the endocannabinoid system will be presented. Therapeutic strategies for potential applications of cannabis medicines in the treatment of cancers, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases will also be discussed. The conference program is available online. Click here to register.
The final meeting of 2023, “How Gametogenic Genes Promote Cancer” on November 8 from 9 am–1 pm ET will focus on reproductive/germline genes that are abnormally expressed in cancer (also known as cancer testes antigens). Recent studies now indicate that these abnormally expressed proteins are important for tumor progression and their inhibition reduces tumor survival. Organized by Angelique Whitehurst, PhD, of UT-Southwestern Medical Center, this conference is the first time researchers from across the globe will come together to share these findings. Conference registration information and the agenda are now available.
Catalyst Conferences are short, virtual meetings that allow organizers to test new topic areas for future conferences, create a following for a specific field of research, and make the case for support from new sponsors for emerging topics. The Catalyst Conferences also help build speaker rosters for future meetings and allow organizers to gain the skills they need to become organizers of the larger FASEB Scientific Research Conferences.
Interested in organizing a Catalyst Conference? Email us or visit the FASEB website for additional information, including the schedule of 2024 meetings.