Washington Update
FASEB Provides Feedback to HHS on Draft Strategic Plan
By: Yvette SegerThursday, November 11, 2021
On November 4, FASEB provided feedback to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on its draft strategic plan for fiscal years 2022 – 2026. FASEB’s comments focused on Strategic Goal 4: Restore Trust and Accelerate Advancements in Science and Research for All, specifically Strategic Objective 4.2, emphasizing the need to invest in the research enterprise and scientific workforce to maintain leadership in health-related discovery and innovation.
FASEB’s comments highlighted the importance of predictable and sustained investments in research for both discovery and development and retention of a diverse and inclusive scientific workforce. To foster the recruitment and retention of the talented scientists to the federally supported biomedical research workforce, FASEB urged HHS to actively engage stakeholders such as scientific societies.
FASEB also encouraged HHS to continue efforts to harmonize and streamline administrative processes with other federal agencies to minimize confusion and burden. Similarly, FASEB reiterated comments submitted earlier this year to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy regarding the importance of uniform messaging on scientific and technical issues to establish public understanding and trust in federally supported science.