Washington Update
FASEB DataWorks! Spotlights Data Management Plans
By: Yvette SegerThursday, April 28, 2022
To help researchers prepare for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy for Data Management and Sharing, which goes into effect in January, the FASEB DataWorks! initiative is hosting several activities to support researchers in the preparation of data management plans (DMPs).
The topic of the next FASEB DataWorks! Salon on May 12 is “How to Prepare a Data Management Plan.” Moderated by Nina Exner, Research Data Librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, the salon will highlight the importance of data management and sharing from the perspectives of policymaker, active researcher, and data librarian. Presenters include Lyric Jorgenson, PhD, Acting NIH Associate Director for Science Policy; Kae Livsey PhD, MPH, RN, Associate Professor and Associate Director, School of Nursing at Western Carolina University; Fernando Rios, PhD, Research Data Management Specialist at the University of Arizona; and Damian Romero, a PhD candidate in Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Arizona. The presentation by Rios and Romero will spotlight how the two partnered to develop an exemplary DMP, winning the inaugural FASEB DataWorks! DMP Challenge.
FASEB and the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) National Center for Data Services partnered to offer two more opportunities for researchers to submit DMPs to the DataWorks! DMP Challenge, with submission deadlines of June 5 and October 5. Exemplary plans have the opportunity to win prizes of $500–$1,000. Click here to learn more and submit your DMP to the challenge.