Washington Update

FASEB BioArt Competition Open for Submissions

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The eighth annual BioArt competition is accepting entries through August 30, 2019. This campaign unleashes the art of science to showcase the biomedical community’s stunning visuals, thus captivating public attention and fostering greater interest in research.

FASEB strongly encourages researchers at every level, from students to expert investigators, to submit captivating, high-resolution images and videos that are produced as part of their cutting-edge life science research. Submissions are accepted across the categories of fluorescence or electron microscopy; three-dimensional (3D) printing; video; and all other life science images.

Entries can include original photographs, illustrations, data visualizations, or videos created as a part of research supported by U.S. federal funding or conducted by members of a FASEB society. For more information about competition eligibility, what makes a winning BioArt submission, and to submit an entry, visit FASEB’s BioArt webpage.