Washington Update
Does Your Research Team Have a (Data Management) Plan?
By: Yvette SegerThursday, January 27, 2022
FASEB DataWorks! wants to help researchers prepare for the implementation of the National Institutes of Health Final Policy for Data Management and Sharing with two new community engagement opportunities to supplement the agency’s resources.
The next DataWorks! Salon will highlight ways funders have supported data sharing in reuse to further research and discovery. Join us on February 10, 2–3 pm ET, to learn how three groups—Health Research Alliance, Children’s Tumor Foundation, and Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s—have established a culture of data sharing among their funded researchers. Key incentives include direct support for data curation and professional recognition for data sharing and collaboration. Click here to register for this salon.
Looking for insight into what makes a good data management plan (DMP)? Take the DataWorks! DMP Challenge! FASEB has partnered with the University of California’s DMPTool, the Research Data Access and Preservation Association, and the Network of National Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) to incentivize researchers to test a DMP template by offering expert reviews and up to 10 $500 cash awards to recognize outstanding DMPs. To encourage researchers to work with their institution’s data librarian, NNLM is offering a matching prize for an exemplary DMP developed with librarian input. Entries are due February 15.