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FASEB Partners with National Postdoctoral Association

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
FASEB is pleased to announce a new partnership with the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) that provides all FASEB Full Member societies with the benefits of being an NPA Sustaining Member. Being part of the NPA community facilitates vital connections with colleagues, access to members-only web content, subscription to The POSTDOCket, and more. Key NPA pillars that are congruent with FASEB member societies’ priorities are advocating for postdocs; championing and modeling greater diversity, equity, and inclusivity; and promoting member career and professional development.

FASEB has been a Sustaining Member since NPA’s inception and received its Distinguished Service Award in 2007. This partnership will extend NPA member benefits beyond FASEB and directly to Full Member societies.

Questions about the partnership should be directed to FASEB staff.