Washington Update

NSB Commission Seeks Feedback on Merit Review Criteria

By: Yvette Seger
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
On August 20, the National Science Board (NSB) – National Science Foundation (NSF) Commission on Merit Review issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking input to inform efforts to review of the agency’s merit review criteria, policy, and processes. Initiated by language in the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act directing federal research agencies to regularly assess and update policies and practices to eliminate or reduce barriers limiting the recruitment, retention, and success of individuals from groups historically excluded from STEM research careers, this is the first systemic assessment of NSF’s merit review criteria since 2011.

The RFI consists of six questions intended to assess the extent to which current NSF merit review criteria, policy, and processes enable the agency’s mission “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense; and for other purposes,” and the extent to which updates are needed to achieve this mission. Of specific interest are perspectives from applicants, awardees, and reviewers on their experiences interpreting and using these criteria in support of NSF’s mission.

Responses to the RFI will further inform the NSB Commission’s review of the current merit review criteria, policy, and processes and possible recommendations for revision. Given the extent of the Commission’s efforts to date, this is a 30-day RFI, with comments due by 5 pm ET on September 20. Comments must be submitted via online form.