Washington Update

NIH Seeks Feedback on Implementing Recommendations on Postdoctoral Training

By: Nabila Riaz
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
In July, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a Request for Information (RFI) to gather input on enhancing U.S. postdoctoral research training and career progression. The RFI seeks stakeholder input from the biomedical research community in implementing recommendations from the December 2023 report from the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD). Feedback is sought from graduate students, postdocs, early-stage investigators, biomedical faculty, training directors, postdoctoral and graduate student office leaders, biotech/biopharma industry scientists, and research education program advocates.

The follow-up RFI seeks input on three specific recommendations related to postdoctoral training:
  • Limiting the amount of time a postdoctoral scholar can be supported by NIH funds to 5 years
  • Potential restructuring of the K99/R00 funding mechanism.
  • Enhancing training and professional development opportunities for postdoctoral scholars and their mentors.
Respondents are also encouraged to discuss the potential benefits, opportunities, challenges, and consequences of these recommendations on the postdoctoral workforce and the broader research community. Additionally, NIH welcomes suggestions, evidence-based strategies, and relevant data to help shape its approach to implementing the ACD's recommendations.

Comments are due October 23 and must be submitted electronically. Please note that comments for each question are limited to 200 words.