CARES Award Recipient

Tolulope Kolapo

Tolulope Kolapo, MSc, is a doctoral candidate at Reed's lab at the University of Alabama. She is pursuing her doctorate in molecular biology and bioinformatics at the University of Alabama. She obtained her master's of science in animal breeding and genetics from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that trigger the beneficial effects of exercise at an early age, late age, and following exposure to infection in Drosophila.

She is passionate about advocacy and science policy. She was part of the pioneer mentors for Our Future Is Science Mentorship program where she mentored high school students on social justice and science issues. She enjoys teaching microbiology and genetics. She also enjoys watching movies and reading fictional novels.

Use of award: Weekend childcare expenses to conduct experiments towards completing the doctoral program and to attend the Society for Redox Biology Conference and the Integrative Exercise Physiology Conference. 

Tolulope Kolapo is a member of Genetic Society of America and American Physiological Society, FASEB member societies.