Global Pollution and Elevated Metabolic Disorders

May 1, 2024

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May 1, 2024

Metabolic disorders are a spectrum of diseases that affect normal metabolic function and regulation. All major pollutants are considered to be endocrine disruptors because of their interactions with various transcription factors, receptors, and tissues that result in alterations of metabolic function. Persistent organic pollutants (POP) impact adipogenesis, thereby increasing the prevalence of obesity (one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders) in exposed individuals. As a result, environmental pollutants have become an area of intense research to understand how they affect bodily systems such as the respiratory, cardiovascular, and, more recently, the metabolic system.

This virtual conference will highlight and evaluate the extent of pollution, its relation towards toxicity and metabolic disorders, and further identification of potential solutions.

Prabhakar Mishra, PhD
Senthilkumar Rajagopal, PhD, MRSC, AMYAI, FSAB
Yuvashree M, PhD
Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences
REVA University, Bangalore, India

Registration Fee: FREE
